Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Importance of Teacher-Parent Relationships

As a teacher it is not only a responsibility to guide the students, but it is also a responsibility to guide the parents. Maintaining an organized and positive relationship between a teacher and a parent is a super beneficial habit to obtain. When parents gain your trust, they will feed their children with positive thoughts about you as their teacher. Also, by keeping in touch with parents regularly and frequently contacting them, parents will feel confident when sending their children to school. 

Parent Teacher Communication
One strategy of keeping parents in the loop of what is happening in the classroom, is by publishing a classroom website. According to research done at Fresno Pacific University, “A classroom website offers a smart way for teachers to integrate technology into the classroom”. A personal classroom website does not only display professionalism, but it can help curious parents view what is being taught in the classroom, activities their children have participated in, and any important information they need to know. 

For younger children, a great strategy that was used in my elementary school was sending kids home with a journal with handwritten notes from the teachers. This is a great option that does not involve technology but is very meaningful to parents. These journal entries can easily keep parents updated on how their child is performing and parents also have the opportunity to send messages back and forth with their children’s teachers.

One last strategy to help maintain a positive and inclusive teacher parent relationship is by creating a Teacherkit classroom page. Teacherkit is a productivity classroom app that easily allows communication between teachers and parents. On this app, teachers can track attendance, post announcements, and send personal messages to parents. This is perfect for teachers that prefer texting as a communication tool rather than email or other strategies. This is also a more instant option than sending journal entries or waiting for a website submission to be posted.

Relationships between parents and teachers is such an important factor to consider when leading a classroom. Parents will often have just as many questions as students, maybe even more. By responsibility staying on top of these relationships, parents can easily support their children and will be more comfortable with who their children are learning from. 

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