Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Importance of Classroom Management

Following a daily routine is an extremely effective way of bettering your life. For example, If you wanted to start reading more, you would start to incorporate reading time into your daily routine. Classroom Management is a very similar topic to following a daily routine. Children's minds are constantly adapting and changing, by sticking to a routine in a classroom setting, it can help regulate kids behavior to stay on task for the entire school day. A solid and steady management system in a classroom will ensure the school day runs smoothly, which is otherwise hard to achieve when in charge of several little learners. According to the Classroom Management page on the National education website, "Managing the behavior, social emotional, and learning needs of 30 or more students is one of the biggest challenges most educators face." For example, if everyday from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM a teacher has a morning meeting, the children will know what to expect when entering the classroom and they will prepare for the morning meeting without needing teacher direction.
Example of an organized classroom
Example of an organized classroom

Strategy also plays a big role into building effective classroom management routines. For example after lunch, children tend to be energized and excited from spending time with their friends. This is why many schools hold recess immediately after lunch in order to let the kids burn some energy before having to settle down and get back to work. Balance is also important when considering effective ways of classroom management. If a teacher is constantly jumping from academics to more academics, children will lose interest quickly and not stay engaged. This is why it is important to be inclusive to reading time, specials, show and tell, and more creative outlets for children to take a mental break. Classroom management is one of the most important factors that plays into being a successful teacher. Having a clear and consistent classroom routine inclusive to strategy, organization, and balance, is the most practical system a teacher could follow to ensure smooth flowing school days.

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